When the small fleet of spaceships was unexpectedly transported to the Helios planetary system in the Circinus Galaxy, the crew faced a critical divergence in their vision for the future. The split between the humans created a new faction within the fleet, driven by greed and a thirst for power, sought to exploit the situation to their advantage. One faction went rogue, while the ones who stayed build StarForged station.
The faction, known as the Corsair Brotherhood, believed that the Helios System was merely a stepping stone to greater riches and dominion. They abandoned the idea of a unified community on StarForged, instead embracing piracy as a means to fulfill their ambitions.
Led by a charismatic and cunning captain, the Corsair Brotherhood utilized their knowledge of the fleet’s technology and military tactics to unleash havoc upon their former allies. They saw the resources and potential as a means to establish their dominance and build their own empire.
Breaking away from the unified aspirations of StarForged, the Corsair Brotherhood departed for different systems within the Circinus Galaxy. They left behind the notion of cooperation and unity, driven solely by their individual desires for wealth, power, and freedom from the restraints of society.
Expanding influence
Establishing hidden bases in remote locations across the galaxy, they launched audacious raids on vulnerable targets. They plundered valuable resources, hijacked trade routes, and spread fear throughout the systems they encountered.
The crew members who joined the ranks of the Corsair Brotherhood were a diverse mix of disillusioned soldiers, opportunistic mercenaries, and rogue elements seeking personal gain. They reveled in the thrill of the outlaw life, embracing their new identity as pirates and renegades.
As the Corsair Brotherhood departed for different systems, their actions sparked conflicts and tension throughout the Galaxy. StarForged and other factions found themselves locked in a struggle against the ruthless aggression of the Corsair Brotherhood. Each encounter became a battle for survival and a test of wills.
The ongoing rivalry between StarForged and the Corsair Brotherhood served as a constant reminder of the delicate balance in the System. It also highlighted the contrasting paths chosen by the crew members after their unexpected arrival.
While StarForged aimed to build a sustainable community and protect their newfound home, the Corsair Brotherhood sought to exploit and conquer, viewing every encounter as an opportunity for personal gain. The clash between these two factions became a defining conflict, shaping the destiny of the Helios System and the fates of those involved.