When the humans on StarForged encountered the various alien races, they sought a way to categorize and refer to these extraterrestrial beings. Recognizing their distinctiveness and the need for a unified term, they coined the term “Xenotypes.”
As the people on StarForged explored the System and interacted with different alien races, they observed that each Xenotype possessed its own unique physical attributes, cultural practices, and societal structures. They recognized the need for a common term that would acknowledge the differences and highlight the intriguing nature of these beings.
The term “Xenotypes” not only serves as a descriptor but also symbolizes the spirit of curiosity, discovery, and acceptance. It reflects the humans’ willingness to engage with the unknown and learn from these diverse races, even as they maintain their own distinct human identity.
Communications established
As communication and understanding gradually developed, the humans sought a neutral term that would foster mutual respect and understanding among all parties. Through dialogue, diplomacy, and cultural exchange, the humans and Xenotypes began to bridge the gap between their worlds, forging alliances, and navigating the complex dynamics of coexistence in the Circinus Galaxy.
The term “Xenotypes” became an integral part of the common language on StarForged, fostering a sense of unity and acknowledging the diverse tapestry of species within the Helios System. It reminds the people on StarForged of their place as outsiders in this new galactic environment, embracing the richness and wonder that these Xenotypes bring to their shared journey.
The use of “Xenotypes” not only encapsulates the encounters between humans and the alien races but also represents a beacon of hope for understanding, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence in the uncharted realms of the Circinus Galaxy.
The Xenotype factions
The factions that the humans aboard StarForged have encountered so far are: