The humans on StarForged are a diverse group of individuals who were once part of a small fleet sent on a critical mission to reclaim a captured system after a long-standing war with an advanced civilization. However, disaster struck during their final jump, transporting them to the distant Helios System in the Circinus Galaxy.
Despite the initial confusion and uncertainty surrounding their arrival in the new location, the humans on StarForged showcased resilience and adaptability. They faced the challenge of survival in an unfamiliar environment, eventually merging their individual ships into one mammoth vessel that became their permanent home. One faction within StarForged decided a different route, becoming the Corsair Brotherhood.
Citizens of StarForged station
The humans on StarForged comprise a range of backgrounds, including soldiers, military personnel, scientists, engineers, and civilians. Their shared experience of being stranded in the Helios System fostered a sense of unity and purpose among them.
To manage the station and its inhabitants, the humans formed two major guilds: the Starborn Council and the Forged Legion. The Starborn Council serves as the central government of StarForged. The Forged Legion, on the other hand, consists of soldiers and military personnel who are tasked with protecting the station from external threats and managing its weapons and defenses.
As the humans on StarForged navigate their new existence in the Helios System, they face numerous challenges and opportunities. Their interactions with other factions, such as the enigmatic Xel’tari, warrior-like Kreshin, and scientifically inclined Nyrathi, shape their understanding of the galaxy and their place within it.
Driven by a desire to survive, thrive, and perhaps find a way back home, the humans on StarForged leverage their skills, resilience, and resourcefulness to adapt to their new surroundings. Their journey unfolds amidst the vast expanse of the Circinus Galaxy, where they strive to carve out a future for humanity in a realm filled with both allies and adversaries.
Guild history
It is possible that the Starborn Council and the Forged Legion may not always see eye to eye on certain issues. For example, the Starborn Council may prioritize resource distribution and social welfare, while The Forged Legion may prioritize defense and security. Such differing priorities could potentially lead to conflicts or disagreements between the two guilds.
However, it is important to note that despite any disagreements, the two guilds ultimately share a common goal: the survival and prosperity of the population on StarForge