
Ships can be bought from the StarForged Station marketplace or manufactured from resources. You can send ships on scoutingcombat and mining missions.


  • Price: Ships are NFTs and can be minted for this price (plus 10 ADA)
  • Weapon slots: Can be used it install weapons like lasers, turrets, rail guns or rocket launchers
  • Electronics slots: Can be used it install electronics upgrades like shield generators, reactor upgrades or engine upgrades
  • Modification slots: Can be used it install hull, cargo hold or armour modifications
  • Reactor output: Limits how many weapons and electronics upgrades you can install
  • Shield: Determines your changes of success in combat (best against thermal damage)
  • Armor: Determines your changes of success in combat (best against kinetic damage)
  • Hull: Determines your changes of success in combat (best against explosive damage)
  • Cargo hold: Determines how many units of resources you can transport
  • Fuel capacity: Determines how far the ship can travel
  • Fuel consumption: How much fuel is needed to travel 1 au


Some ship classes require piloting skills.


Small ships that don’t require any special piloting skills.


  • Price: 20,000 $FORGE
  • 2 weapon slots, 2 electronics slots, 3 modification slots
  • Targeting: 0.8
  • Reactor output: 20 MJ
  • Shield: 0 HP / Armor: 0 HP / Hull: 200 HP
  • Cargo hold: 40 units
  • Fuel capacity: 24 units
  • Fuel consumption: 4 units / au


Mid-size ships that require some piloting skills. Most systems are automated and don’t require much knowledge.


Large to very large ships that require expert piloting skills and a crew to operate.


Small to large transport ships, specialized on hauling goods.